Ttzab Website Water Waste V2



Vores ambition er at opnå ZERO Water Waste


Vores ambition om ZERO Water Waste blev fastlagt i vores tidligere bæredygtighedsprogram, Together Towards ZERO (TTZ). Med udvidelsen af programmet til Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB) har vi hævet vores ambitionsniveau og indført yderligere mål og aktiviteter samt nye milepæle frem mod 2030.

 Vi vil fortsætte ad den sti, der er fastlagt i vores Together Towards ZERO-program med årlige forbedringer af vandeffektiviteten og et brancheførende globalt mål på 2,0 hl/hl i vandforbrug, samtidig med at vi fastholder vores mål på 1,7 hl/hl for bryggerier i områder med høj vandrisiko. På bryggerier i disse højrisikoområder vil vi gå Beyond ved at indføre et nyt mål om at genopfylde 100 % af det vand, der forbruges på disse bryggerier.




  • Vandeffektivitet på 2,0 hl/hl globalt og 1,7 hl/hl på bryggerier i områder med højrisiko for vandmangel
  • 100% genopfyldning af naturlige vandkilder på bryggerier i områder med høj risiko for vandmangel


Improving water quality and access in Vietnam

In 2021, the Huda brand launched five additional projects focused on securing and stabilising community water sources. Together with the projects run over the previous two years, these will provide around 27,000 people with access to clean water.

Halving water usage at Fredericia brewery

At our Fredericia brewery, Denmark, we are constructing a state-of-the-art water-recycling plant to reuse 90% of process wastewater – a result of a public-private partnership with DRIP. 

Thirsty for more?

Explore our other ambitions
ZERO Carbon Footprint

ZERO Carbon Footprint

We will continue delivering on our Together Towards ZERO commitments, including our target of ZERO carbon emissions at our breweries and a 30% reduction of our beer-in-hand footprint by 2030. In addition to this, we will go Beyond by working towards a new target to achieve net ZERO carbon emissions across our entire value chain by 2040.

ZERO Irresponsible Drinking

ZERO Irresponsible Drinking

We will continue delivering on our Together Towards ZERO commitments, including encouragement of responsible behaviour through our brands, our packaging, and local partnerships. In addition to this, we will go Beyond by working towards new targets, including a 35% global portfolio share for our low-alcohol and alcohol-free brews to further expand consumer choice.

ZERO Accidents Culture

ZERO Accidents Culture

Protecting the health and safety of our people in all work activities is a core value to the way we run our business. We believe that all accidents are preventable and that a ZERO Accidents Culture is essential to a safe working environment.