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Vores ambition er at opnå ZERO Irresponsible Drinking


Vores ambition om ZERO Irresponsible Drinking blev fastlagt i vores tidligere bæredygtighedsprogram, Together Towards ZERO (TTZ). Med udvidelsen af programmet til Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB) har vi justeret vores ambitionsniveau til at omfatte yderligere mål og aktiviteter med nye milepæle i 2030.

Vi vil fortsætte med at leve op til vores Together Towards ZERO-forpligtelser, herunder budskaber om ansvarlig drikkekultur gennem vores brandaktivering, emballager og lokale  partnerskaber. Derudover vil vi gå Beyond ved at arbejde hen imod nye mål, herunder en global porteføljeandel på 35 % af bryg med lavt eller ingen alkoholindhold for at udvide forbrugerens valgmuligheder.




  • 100% af vores emballage og brandaktivering bærer budskaber om ansvarlig drikkekultur 
  • 100% af vores markeder indgår lokale partnerskaber for at understøtte en ansvarlig drikkekultur
  • 100% tilgængelighed af alkoholfri øl 
  • 35% af vores bryg globalt indeholder lidt eller ingen alkohol


Discouraging drink-driving with discounted rides in Malaysia

Our team in Malaysia is supporting government efforts to change consumer mindsets and behaviour around drink-driving in partnership with several ride-hailing services. The campaign discouraged drink-driving by offering people discounted rides home after a night out.

Carlsberg Sweden opens underwater bar

To remind Swedes to abstain from alcohol when sailing, Carlsberg Sweden has created an underwater bar at the bottom of the sea.

Thirsty for more?

Explore our other ambitions
ZERO Carbon Footprint

ZERO Carbon Footprint

We will continue delivering on our Together Towards ZERO commitments, including our target of ZERO carbon emissions at our breweries and a 30% reduction of our beer-in-hand footprint by 2030. In addition to this, we will go Beyond by working towards a new target to achieve net ZERO carbon emissions across our entire value chain by 2040.

ZERO Water Waste

ZERO Water Waste

We will continue on the path set forth in our Together Towards ZERO programme with yearly improvements in water efficiency and an industry-leading global target of 2.0 hl/hl in water usage, while maintaining our 1.7 hl/hl target for breweries in areas of high water risk. 

ZERO Accidents Culture

ZERO Accidents Culture

Protecting the health and safety of our people in all work activities is a core value to the way we run our business. We believe that all accidents are preventable and that a ZERO Accidents Culture is essential to a safe working environment.