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Vores ambition er at opnå ZERO Carbon Footprint


Vores ambition om ZERO Carbon Footprint blev grundlagt i vores foregående bæredygtighedsprogram Together Towards ZERO (TTZ). Med udvidelsen af programmet til Together Towards ZERO and Beyond (TTZAB) har vi hævet vores ambitioner ved at fastholde vores mål frem mod 2030 og udvide med et nyt mål for 2040.

Vi vil fortsat opfylde vores Together Towards ZERO-forpligtelser, herunder vores mål om ZERO CO2-udledning på vores bryggerier og en 30 % reduktion af vores aftryk i værdikæden inden 2030. Derudover vil vi med TTZAB arbejde hen imod et nyt mål om at opnå net ZERO CO2-udledninger i hele vores værdikæde inden 2040.

For at komme i mål med vores ambitioner og mål for CO2-aftrykket vil vi lancere konkrete tiltag i hele vores værdikæde og udnytte CO2-reduktioner fra vores nye mål og aktiviteter inden for landbrug og emballage.






  • ZERO CO2-udledning på vores bryggerier
  • 30% reduktion af øllets klimaaftryk i værdikæden
  • AL vedvarende elektricitet skal komme fra nye aktiver (fx. elkøbsaftaler)
  • Klimaneutral værdikæde


Carbon-neutral brewing in Finland

Sinebrychoff in Finland is the oldest brewery in the Nordic countries and our latest to achieve carbon neutrality.

Electric beer-delivery in Switzerland

In 2021, we introduced a fleet of 20 electric delivery trucks in Switzerland – the largest in the country. Renault report that this is their first contract on this scale in Europe.

Thirsty for more?

Explore our other ambitions
ZERO Water Waste

ZERO Water Waste

We will continue on the path set forth in our Together Towards ZERO programme with yearly improvements in water efficiency and an industry-leading global target of 2.0 hl/hl in water usage, while maintaining our 1.7 hl/hl target for breweries in areas of high water risk. 

ZERO Irresponsible Drinking

ZERO Irresponsible Drinking

We will continue delivering on our Together Towards ZERO commitments, including encouragement of responsible behaviour through our brands, our packaging, and local partnerships. In addition to this, we will go Beyond by working towards new targets, including a 35% global portfolio share for our low-alcohol and alcohol-free brews to further expand consumer choice.

ZERO Accidents Culture

ZERO Accidents Culture

Protecting the health and safety of our people in all work activities is a core value to the way we run our business. We believe that all accidents are preventable and that a ZERO Accidents Culture is essential to a safe working environment.